
  一. 调试类工具soft-ice和trw2000


  二. 反汇编工具wdasm8.93黄金版和hiew

  cracker常将soft-ice和trw2000比作屠龙刀,将wdasm8.93则比作倚天剑。wdasm8.93可方便地反汇编程序,它能静态分析程序流程,也可动态分析程序。在原有的普通版的基础上,一些破解者又开发出了wdasm8.93黄金版,加强了对中文字符串的提取。对国产共享软件的威胁也就更大了。例如开心斗地主这个很好玩的共享软件,用黄金版对其反汇编可以直接看到注册码,普通版不能,您说它厉害不?hiew是一个十六进制工具,它除了普通十六进制的功能外,它还有个特色,能反汇编文件,并可以用汇编指令修改程序, 用它修改程序,方便快捷!这也是cracker们常用的静态反汇编工具。

  三. visual basic程序调试工具smartcheck

  这是专门针对visual basic程序的调试程序,由于vb程序执行时从本质上讲是解释执行,它们只是调用 vbrunxxx.dll 中的函数 ,因此vb 的可执行文件是伪代码,程序都在vbxxx.dll 里面执行。若用soft-ice跟踪调试只能在vbdll里面用打转转,看不到有利用价值的东西,而且代码质量不高,结构还很复杂。当然只要了解其特点用soft-ice也可破解 ,但smartcheck的出现,大大方便了cracker。smartcheck 是 numega 公司出口的一款出色的调试解释执行程序的工具,目前最新版是v6.03。它非常容易使用,你甚至于不需要懂得汇编语言都能轻易驾驭它。它可将vb程序执行的操作完全记录下来,使破解者轻而易举的破解大部分vb程序。

  四. 十六进制编辑器ultraedit

  十六进制编辑器可以用十六进制方式编辑文件,修改文件的内容。虽然hiew就是一款是十六进制工具,但它是dos界面,因此很多破解者又准备了一款windows下的工具,这样的工具很多,如:ultraedit、winhex、hex workshop 等,其中ultraedit比较有特色,操作方便,更有汉化版可用,它是非常出色的十六进制编辑器,建议您也找一个用用。

  五. 注册表监视工具


六. 文件监视工具filemon


  七. 脱壳工具procdump


  八. 侦测文件类型工具


  九. 资源修改器 exescope

  exescope是一个可以修改软件资源的工具,功能强大。 exescope能在没有资源文件的情况下分析、显示不同的信息,重写可执行文件的资源,包括(exe,dll,ocx)等。它可以直接修改用 vc++ 及 delphi 编制的程序的资源,包括菜单、对话框、字串表等,是汉化软件的常用工具。在破解者手中,它常被用来修改文件资源中的菜单、对话框、字串表等,用以显示破解者需要的信息(例如更改版权信息等),以此达到修改软件的目的。

  十. api调用查询工具api spy

  顾名思义,这个程序是用来侦测软件都调用了哪些api。 api就是windows程序执行时所呼叫的函数,跟dos下的int(中断)差不多,windows 提供了很多这样的函数让程序设计者套用,主要目的是为了节省软件开发的时间,方便大家开发软件。api spy就是这样一个监控api调用的软件,它可以查看应用程序调用了哪些api,从而得出对破解者有用的api调用信息,通过这些api调用来设定断点,达到破解软件的目的。它可以工作在windows95/98/nt/2000平台下。


How to Create RHEL-4 DVD from CDs Reply with quote
*Setting up the build directory:*

The first thing to do is to copy all the cdrom ISOs to one location:
mkdir -p /mnt/disk{1,2,3,4}
mount -o loop RHEL4-U1-i386-AS-disc1.iso /mnt/disk1
mount -o loop RHEL4-U1-i386-AS-disc2.iso /mnt/disk2
mount -o loop RHEL4-U1-i386-AS-disc3.iso /mnt/disk3
mount -o loop RHEL4-U1-i386-AS-disc4.iso /mnt/disk4

We now copy all the files from the directories to a single directory:
mkdir -p /data/isobuild
rsync -rv /mnt/disk{4,3,2,1}/* /data/isobuild/

We also need to copy across the .diskinfo file that is not caught by our *:
cp /mnt/disk1/.diskinfo /data/isobuild/

The .diskinfo file identifies the CD as being a correct Red Hat Installer disk
and is checked by anaconda during the start of the install.

We could now build the DVD as it is but we really should have a fiddle first Smile

*Adding more software to the DVD*
We could add some of our own rpms to /data/isobuild/RedHat/RPMS; however by just
doing this does not make them available at install time. There is an XML file
that is read and ensures that the packages are installed in the correct order.

So let us throw a few random packages into the mix:

Add some java:
cp jre-1_5_0_03-linux-i586.rpm /data/isobuild/RedHat/RPMS/

Some encryption for GAIM:
cp gaim-encryption-2.36-3.rf.i386.rpm /data/isobuild/RedHat/RPMS/

*Updating the comps.xml file*
We need to ensure that the host computer has anaconda and anaconda-runtime installed:
up2date anaconda anaconda-runtime

Before we update the XML dependency file we need to sort out package orders.
If you have added a lot of new packages you may need to remove some old
packages that you have replaced with newer versions to stop conflicts.

So the first command is:
PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder /data/isobuild/ i386 > /data/isobuild/xander-pkgorder

This creates a list of files in the order it needs to install them
in the file /data/isobuild/xander-pkgorder. Sometimes an occasional
RPM will not provide the information anaconda needs. You can edit
the file manually and insert your RPMs at the end.

Next we need to generate the dependency file:

/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist –fileorder /data/isobuild/xander-pkgorder /data/isobuild/

You will probably have a few hiccoughs the first time you run these commands.
Most may be resolved by adding the missing entries to the pkgorder file or
deleting duplicate packages.

*Creating an automated installer*
We could *now* if we wanted to build our DVD; however we can make an
automated installer.

So crack open system-config-kickstart and create a kickstart file with
all the packages and partitioning etc you need for your systems.

copy the resulting file to /data/isobuild/ks.cfg

we can now edit the file /data/isobuild/isolinux/isolinux.cfg

copy or change the three lines:
label linux
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img ramdisk_size=8192

label xander
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img ramdisk_size=8192 ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg

Then change the default at the top of the file to xander. This means that
the default action is to install directly from the DVD using your kickstart file.

*Building the DVD iso*
Now to build the iso:

cd /data/isobuild

chmod a+w isolinux/isolinux.bin

mkisofs -r -T -J -V "Custom RHEL4 Build" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o /data/custom-RHEL4-dvd.iso /data/isobuild/

*Buring the DVD*
Now we can burn the image to the CD. I assume the CD writer is already
set up on your system. We use cdrecord below, but you can use other
programs as well. The command is invoked as:

cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,0,0 /data/custom-RHEL4-dvd.iso

The speed and dev options depend on your system. The device for the dev
argument can be determined by using the -scanbus option to cdrecord:

cdrecord -scanbus

Using the DVD

Once the image is burned onto the DVD, insert the DVD into the target
machine and boot the machine. You should get the custom message that
you created earlier. At this point, you can either press Enter at the
boot prompt or let it timeout. When it times out it uses the default
label, which we specified as ks (Kickstart).