












Yours G0dspeed

Some blogs educate, help people collaborate, spark ideas and just plain expand our thought universe. Others stir emotions and anger us or make us laugh. The editors of Computerworld got together and offered up a list of their favorite blog sites. We pared more than 50 submissions to the top 15 technology blog sites based on breadth of information, newsworthiness, design, frequency of updates and entertainment value.

Sure, the list is subjective, but we think this is one of the best catalogs of blogs that has ever been published. The entries ran the gamut, from serious technology news and reviews to commentary on games and the latest tech gadgets. We included some honorable mentions at the end because the competition was so close.

Of course, not everyone will agree with our selections. If you think a blog site that‘s not on our list deserved a top 15 spot, share it with us in the comments section.

1) Lifehacker
Lifehackers‘ motto says it all: “Don‘t live to geek, geek to live.” This blog offers timesavers of just about every stripe, from Firefox shortcuts to tips from the “Getting things done” faithful.

2) IT Toolbox Blogs
IT Toolbox has a number of “in the trenches” IT pros who talk about technology and management issues. There are specialist blogs dealing with security, databases and project management, among other subjects. It‘s a versatile site.

3) Valleywag
Bring in the noise, bring in the snark. Valleywag is for those who believe that the tech industry lives or dies by the scuttlebutt pinging around Silicon Valley. And it‘s amusing for those of us who prefer that the lotus-eaters of Northern California stick with the dishing and tongue-wagging, leaving the rest of us to get the real work done.

4) Kotaku
Kotaku is the snarky, gamer uber-blog. It has everything from reviews and gossip to cheat tips. Just about anything you‘ll ever need, including which game to buy and how to play it.

5) Danger Room
Wired‘s military and defense blog writes about some of the coolest and scariest military technologies — not to mention scandals, debates and other military news. Lots of video and imagery are included.

6) Gizmodo
Gizmodo‘s got the scoop on all the latest toys and cool and wacky inventions — from high-def TVs and coffee makers to booze belts and USB drives. You‘ve got to love a site that publishes photos of a solar-powered bathing suit. Yeah, they also blog about serious technology news too.

7) O‘Reilly Radar
This is where you can read Tim O‘Reilly (founder of O‘Reilly Publishing) and others discuss networking, programming, open source, intellectual property, politics, Web 2.0 and emerging technology.

8) Techdirt
Techdirt is a newsy, “tell it like it is” blog that frequently features debates on the hot issues in the Internet and computer fields. Scandals are a specialty. Simplicity is its hallmark.

9) Groklaw
Groklaw‘s raison d‘etre is needling SCO in its long-running legal fights against IBM and Novell, but the discussion sometimes veers toward other issues that involve technology, intellectual property, and government regulations.

10) Hack a Day
Want to learn how to add USB to a cheap Linux router? Create a snake robot? How about an XBox 360 laptop? Hack a Day has these basement projects and many more. This site is for the serious techie. At the same time, it‘s good for a laugh or a new hobby.

11) Engadget
As Coke is to Pepsi, so Engadget is to Gizmodo. It‘s all about gear, gossip, techish issues and the occasional rant. It‘s got great product photos, and the editors have access to pre- and early-release gadgetry. Also, some really funny homemade junk. But we prefer Gizmodo.

12) Feedster
Like drinking from the hose. This Web page brings together blog sites about technology, sports, celebrity gossip, food, personal experiences — you name it. It also offers a blog search feature that allows you to input words or phrases, and it has a very cool RSS aggregator for news feeds. It also injects some great humor into technology news. An all-around great site.

13) Forever Geek
Forever Geek is a great site with a myriad blogs on diverse topics, from technology and general interest news to movie and game reviews. Definitely a geek paradise. If you want to learn about the upcoming Iron Man movie or read a review of Photoshop CS3, this is the place to go.

14) Rough Type
Nick Carr — of “Does IT Matter?” fame — has a sharp-minded blog that discusses all manner of issues and trends relating to technology. Always an entertaining read, Rough Type often locks horns with companies, people, technologies and policies that rub Carr the wrong way.

15) Smorgasbord
Billed as a site for gadget- and game-loving geeks, this blog also serves up articles that cross over into the political and celebrity news of the day. The combination of entertainment value and tech news make Smorgasbord a top contender.

Honorable mentions:

1) The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
TUAW offers collection of independent bloggers — that is independent but not undecided or uninformed. It‘s a good source for Apple-related news. The only reason it didn‘t make the top 15 was its singular topic focus.

2) Elliot Back‘s blog
A self-professed computer scientist, Elliot posts everything from his opinions on why XML sucks, to the Titanic‘s passenger list and reviews of movies like 300. This site is diverse and well composed, offering great tips on topics such as increasing system performance and blocking spam.

3) Ed Foster‘s Gripelog
There is a new crop of blogs that highlight poor customer service for consumer electronics, bad UIs and outright rip-offs, but Ed Foster has been doing it longer than anyone else. Check out these recent topics: Defective DRM, tricky warranties on plasma TVs and bad mobile phone service.

4) Gadgetell
This is a great site if you want to get the latest gadget and game news along with some topical opinion pieces.

5) 4sysops
This is a very useful with well-written tips and how-to‘s for Windows admins.






1) 生活骇客(Lifehacker)


2) IT工具箱博客(IT Toolbox Blogs)

IT工具箱博客(IT Toolbox Blogs)有着一大群“战斗在第一线”的IT专家们讨论有关于技术和IT管理的话题。它拥有一系列专业性的博客在处理跟IT安全、数据库、项目管理和其它等等相关的问题。这是一个包罗万象的网站。

3) 硅谷闲话(Valleywag)


4) Kotaku


5) 威胁空间(Danger Room)


6) 小发明(Gizmodo)


7) O‘Reilly 雷达(O‘Reilly Radar)

这是你能够阅读到Tim O‘Reilly(著名的O‘Reilly出版公司的创始人)和其它人讨论有关于网络、编程、开放源代码运动、知识产权、政策、Web 2.0和其它前沿科技的地方。

8) 技术丑闻(Techdirt)


9) Groklaw


10) 改造一整天(Hack a Day)

想要学习怎样为一个廉价的Linux路由器添加一个USB设备吗?想要制作一个蛇形机器人吗?或是将自己的XBox 360游戏机改造成一台笔记本?“改造一整天(Hack a Day)”上提供了这些地下室项目,以及其它更多有趣的项目。这个网站是为那些真正有一定技术素养,喜欢自己动手改造技术产品的玩家所准备的。但与此同时,你也可以在这里发现很多乐趣,说不定还会从中开发出一项新的爱好。



12) Feedster


13) 永远的骇客(Forever Geek)

永远的骇客(Forever Geek)是一个非常棒的网站,它有无数的博客文章,覆盖了多种多样的话题,从技术,到大众新闻,到好莱坞电影,再到电脑游戏测评。这绝对是一个骇客的天堂。假如你想要了解即将上映的好莱坞巨片《变形金刚》的最新消息,或是阅读一篇有关于Photoshop CS3软件的测评,这就是你应该去的地方。

14)粗鲁的文字(Rough Type)

Nick Carr(笔名“Does IT Matter?”)撰写的一个思想锐利的博客,专门讨论与技术相关的各种各样的话题和趋势。他的文章文笔优美,让人阅读起来津津有味,但是同时也会常常激烈那些被批评的公司、人物、技术和政策。

15) 自助餐(Smorgasbord)



1) 苹果(Apple)非官方博客 (TUAW)


2) Elliot Back 的博客(Elliot Back‘s blog)


3) Ed Foster 的牢骚录(Ed Foster‘s Gripelog)

时下有一类新的博客网站涌现了出来,它们专门抨击和曝光那些侵害消费者权益的公司和产品,诸如数码产品恶劣的售后服务、粗糙的产品外观或是其他诸如此类的一些问题,但是Ed Foster可谓是这一行的开山鼻祖。看看他最新所关注的一些话题:有缺陷的DRM系统、plasma品牌电视机的质保陷阱,以及糟糕的移动电话服务质量。

4) Gadgetell


5) 4sysops




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  President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates:


I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to say this: "Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree."


I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. I’ll be changing my job next year … and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.


I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I’m just happy that the Crimson has called me "Harvard’s most successful dropout." I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class … I did the best of everyone who failed.


But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I’m a bad influence. That’s why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today.

但是,我还要提醒大家,我使得Steve Ballmer(注:微软总经理)也从哈佛商学院退学了。因此,我是个有着恶劣影响力的人。这就是为什么我被邀请来在你们的毕业典礼上演讲。如果我在你们入学欢迎仪式上演讲,那么能够坚持到今天在这里毕业的人也许会少得多吧。

Harvard was just a phenomenal experience for me. Academic life was fascinating. I used to sit in on lots of classes I hadn’t even signed up for. And dorm life was terrific. I lived up at Radcliffe, in Currier House. There were always lots of people in my dorm room late at night discussing things, because everyone knew I didn’t worry about getting up in the morning. That’s how I came to be the leader of the anti-social group. We clung to each other as a way of validating our rejection of all those social people.

对我来说,哈佛的求学经历是一段非凡的经历。校园生活很有趣,我常去旁听我没选修的课。哈佛的课外生活也很棒,我在Radcliffe过着逍遥自在 的日子。每天我的寝室里总有很多人一直待到半夜,讨论着各种事情。因为每个人都知道我从不考虑第二天早起。这使得我变成了校园里那些不安分学生的头头,我 们互相粘在一起,做出一种拒绝所有正常学生的姿态。

Radcliffe was a great place to live. There were more women up there, and most of the guys were science-math types. That combination offered me the best odds, if you know what I mean. This is where I learned the sad lesson that improving your odds doesn’t guarantee success.


One of my biggest memories of Harvard came in January 1975, when I made a call from Currier House to a company in Albuquerque that had begun making the world’s first personal computers. I offered to sell them software.


I worried that they would realize I was just a student in a dorm and hang up on me. Instead they said: "We’re not quite ready, come see us in a month," which was a good thing, because we hadn’t written the software yet. From that moment, I worked day and night on this little extra credit project that marked the end of my college education and the beginning of a remarkable journey with Microsoft.

我很担心,他们会发觉我是一个住在宿舍的学生,从而挂断电话。但是他们却说:“我们还没准备好,一个月后你再来找我们吧。”这是个好消息,因为那时 软件还根本没有写出来呢。就是从那个时候起,我日以继夜地在这个小小的课外项目上工作,这导致了我学生生活的结束,以及通往微软公司的不平凡的旅程的开 始。

What I remember above all about Harvard was being in the midst of so much energy and intelligence. It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging. It was an amazing privilege – and though I left early, I was transformed by my years at Harvard, the friendships I made, and the ideas I worked on.

不管怎样,我对哈佛的回忆主要都与充沛的精力和智力活动有关。哈佛的生活令人愉快,也令人感到有压力,有时甚至会感到泄气,但永远充满了挑战性。生 活在哈佛是一种吸引人的特殊待遇……虽然我离开得比较早,但是我在这里的经历、在这里结识的朋友、在这里发展起来的一些想法,永远地改变了我。

But taking a serious look back … I do have one big regret.


I left Harvard with no real awareness of the awful inequities in the world – the appalling disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people to lives of despair.


I learned a lot here at Harvard about new ideas in economics and politics. I got great exposure to the advances being made in the sciences.


But humanity’s greatest advances are not in its discoveries – but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity. Whether through democracy, strong public education, quality health care, or broad economic opportunity – reducing inequity is the highest human achievement.


I left campus knowing little about the millions of young people cheated out of educational opportunities here in this country. And I knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries.


It took me decades to find out.


You graduates came to Harvard at a different time. You know more about the world’s inequities than the classes that came before. In your years here, I hope you’ve had a chance to think about how – in this age of accelerating technology – we can finally take on these inequities, and we can solve them.


Imagine, just for the sake of discussion, that you had a few hours a week and a few dollars a month to donate to a cause – and you wanted to spend that time and money where it would have the greatest impact in saving and improving lives. Where would you spend it?


For Melinda and for me, the challenge is the same: how can we do the most good for the greatest number with the resources we have.


During our discussions on this question, Melinda and I read an article about the millions of children who were dying every year in poor countries from diseases that we had long ago made harmless in this country. Measles, malaria, pneumonia, hepatitis B, yellow fever. One disease I had never even heard of, rotavirus, was killing half a million kids each year – none of them in the United States.

在讨论过程中,Melinda和我读到了一篇文章,里面说在那些贫穷的国家,每年有数百万的儿童死于那些在美国早已不成问题的疾病。麻疹、疟疾、肺 炎、乙型肝炎、黄热病、还有一种以前我从未听说过的轮状病毒,这些疾病每年导致50万儿童死亡,但是在美国一例死亡病例也没有。

We were shocked. We had just assumed that if millions of children were dying and they could be saved, the world would make it a priority to discover and deliver the medicines to save them. But it did not. For under a dollar, there were interventions that could save lives that just weren’t being delivered.


If you believe that every life has equal value, it’s revolting to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not. We said to ourselves: "This can’t be true. But if it is true, it deserves to be the priority of our giving."


So we began our work in the same way anyone here would begin it. We asked: "How could the world let these children die?"


The answer is simple, and harsh. The market did not reward saving the lives of these children, and governments did not subsidize it. So the children died because their mothers and their fathers had no power in the market and no voice in the system.


But you and I have both.


We can make market forces work better for the poor if we can develop a more creative capitalism – if we can stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or at least make a living, serving people who are suffering from the worst inequities. We also can press governments around the world to spend taxpayer money in ways that better reflect the values of the people who pay the taxes.

我们可以让市场更好地为穷人服务,如果我们能够设计出一种更有创新性的资本主义制度——如果我们可以改变市场,让更多的人可以获得利润,或者至少可 以维持生活——那么,这就可以帮到那些正在极端不平等的状况中受苦的人们。我们还可以向全世界的政府施压,要求他们将纳税人的钱,花到更符合纳税人价值观 的地方。

If we can find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the world. This task is open-ended. It can never be finished. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world.


I am optimistic that we can do this, but I talk to skeptics who claim there is no hope. They say: "Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end – because people just … don’t … care." I completely disagree.


I believe we have more caring than we know what to do with.


All of us here in this Yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing – not because we didn’t care, but because we didn’t know what to do. If we had known how to help, we would have acted.


The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity.


To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps.


Even with the advent of the Internet and 24-hour news, it is still a complex enterprise to get people to truly see the problems. When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future.


But if the officials were brutally honest, they would say: "Of all the people in the world who died today from preventable causes, one half of one percent of them were on this plane. We’re determined to do everything possible to solve the problem that took the lives of the one half of one percent."


The bigger problem is not the plane crash, but the millions of preventable deaths.


We don’t read much about these deaths. The media covers what’s new – and millions of people dying is nothing new. So it stays in the background, where it’s easier to ignore. But even when we do see it or read about it, it’s difficult to keep our eyes on the problem. It’s hard to look at suffering if the situation is so complex that we don’t know how to help. And so we look away.

我们并没有很多机会了解那些死亡事件。媒体总是报告新闻,几百万人将要死去并非新闻。如果没有人报道,那么这些事件就很容易被忽视。另一方面,即使 我们确实目睹了事件本身或者看到了相关报道,我们也很难持续关注这些事件。看着他人受苦是令人痛苦的,何况问题又如此复杂,我们根本不知道如何去帮助他 人。所以我们会将脸转过去。

If we can really see a problem, which is the first step, we come to the second step: cutting through the complexity to find a solution.


Finding solutions is essential if we want to make the most of our caring. If we have clear and proven answers anytime an organization or individual asks "How can I help?," then we can get action – and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted. But complexity makes it hard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares — and that makes it hard for their caring to matter.

如果我们要让关心落到实处,我们就必须找到解决办法。如果我们有一个清晰的和可靠的答案,那么当任何组织和个人发出疑问“如何我能提供帮助”的时 候,我们就能采取行动。我们就能够保证不浪费一丁点全世界人类对他人的关心。但是,世界的复杂性使得很难找到对全世界每一个有爱心的人都有效的行动方法, 因此人类对他人的关心往往很难产生实际效果。

Cutting through complexity to find a solution runs through four predictable stages: determine a goal, find the highest-leverage approach, discover the ideal technology for that approach, and in the meantime, make the smartest application of the technology that you already have — whether it’s something sophisticated, like a drug, or something simpler, like a bednet.


The AIDS epidemic offers an example. The broad goal, of course, is to end the disease. The highest-leverage approach is prevention. The ideal technology would be a vaccine that gives lifetime immunity with a single dose. So governments, drug companies, and foundations fund vaccine research. But their work is likely to take more than a decade, so in the meantime, we have to work with what we have in hand – and the best prevention approach we have now is getting people to avoid risky behavior.

艾滋病就是一个例子。总的目标,毫无疑问是消灭这种疾病。最高效的方法是预防。最理想的技术是发明一种疫苗,只要注射一次,就可以终生免疫。所以, 政府、制药公司、基金会应该资助疫苗研究。但是,这样研究工作很可能十年之内都无法完成。因此,与此同时,我们必须使用现有的技术,目前最有效的预防方法 就是设法让人们避免那些危险的行为。

Pursuing that goal starts the four-step cycle again. This is the pattern. The crucial thing is to never stop thinking and working – and never do what we did with malaria and tuberculosis in the 20th century – which is to surrender to complexity and quit.


The final step – after seeing the problem and finding an approach – is to measure the impact of your work and share your successes and failures so that others learn from your efforts.


You have to have the statistics, of course. You have to be able to show that a program is vaccinating millions more children. You have to be able to show a decline in the number of children dying from these diseases. This is essential not just to improve the program, but also to help draw more investment from business and government.


But if you want to inspire people to participate, you have to show more than numbers; you have to convey the human impact of the work – so people can feel what saving a life means to the families affected.


I remember going to Davos some years back and sitting on a global health panel that was discussing ways to save millions of lives. Millions! Think of the thrill of saving just one person’s life – then multiply that by millions. … Yet this was the most boring panel I’ve ever been on – ever. So boring even I couldn’t bear it.


What made that experience especially striking was that I had just come from an event where we were introducing version 13 of some piece of software, and we had people jumping and shouting with excitement. I love getting people excited about software – but why can’t we generate even more excitement for saving lives?


You can’t get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact. And how you do that – is a complex question.


Still, I’m optimistic. Yes, inequity has been with us forever, but the new tools we have to cut through complexity have not been with us forever. They are new – they can help us make the most of our caring – and that’s why the future can be different from the past.


The defining and ongoing innovations of this age – biotechnology, the computer, the Internet – give us a chance we’ve never had before to end extreme poverty and end death from preventable disease.


Sixty years ago, George Marshall came to this commencement and announced a plan to assist the nations of post-war Europe. He said: "I think one difficulty is that the problem is one of such enormous complexity that the very mass of facts presented to the public by press and radio make it exceedingly difficult for the man in the street to reach a clear appraisement of the situation. It is virtually impossible at this distance to grasp at all the real significance of the situation."

六十年前,乔治·马歇尔也是在这个地方的毕业典礼上,宣布了一个计划,帮助那些欧洲国家的战后建设。他说:“我认为,困难的一点是这个问题太复杂, 报纸和电台向公众源源不断地提供各种事实,使得大街上的普通人极端难于清晰地判断形势。事实上,经过层层传播,想要真正地把握形势,是根本不可能的。”

Thirty years after Marshall made his address, as my class graduated without me, technology was emerging that would make the world smaller, more open, more visible, less distant.


The emergence of low-cost personal computers gave rise to a powerful network that has transformed opportunities for learning and communicating.


The magical thing about this network is not just that it collapses distance and makes everyone your neighbor. It also dramatically increases the number of brilliant minds we can have working together on the same problem – and that scales up the rate of innovation to a staggering degree.


At the same time, for every person in the world who has access to this technology, five people don’t. That means many creative minds are left out of this discussion — smart people with practical intelligence and relevant experience who don’t have the technology to hone their talents or contribute their ideas to the world.


We need as many people as possible to have access to this technology, because these advances are triggering a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, corporations, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches, and measure the impact of their efforts to address the hunger, poverty, and desperation George Marshall spoke of 60 years ago.

我们需要尽可能地让更多的人有机会使用新技术,因为这些新技术正在引发一场革命,人类将因此可以互相帮助。新技术正在创造一种可能,不仅是政府,还 包括大学、公司、小机构、甚至个人,能够发现问题所在、能够找到解决办法、能够评估他们努力的效果,去改变那些马歇尔六十年前就说到过的问题——饥饿、贫 穷和绝望。

Members of the Harvard Family: Here in the Yard is one of the great collections of intellectual talent in the world.


What for?


There is no question that the faculty, the alumni, the students, and the benefactors of Harvard have used their power to improve the lives of people here and around the world. But can we do more? Can Harvard dedicate its intellect to improving the lives of people who will never even hear its name?


Let me make a request of the deans and the professors – the intellectual leaders here at Harvard: As you hire new faculty, award tenure, review curriculum, and determine degree requirements, please ask yourselves:


Should our best minds be dedicated to solving our biggest problems?


Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world’s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure?


Should the world’s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world’s least privileged?


These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies.


My mother, who was filled with pride the day I was admitted here – never stopped pressing me to do more for others. A few days before my wedding, she hosted a bridal event, at which she read aloud a letter about marriage that she had written to Melinda. My mother was very ill with cancer at the time, but she saw one more opportunity to deliver her message, and at the close of the letter she said: "From those to whom much is given, much is expected."

我的母亲在我被哈佛大学录取的那一天,曾经感到非常骄傲。她从没有停止督促我,去为他人做更多的事情。在我结婚的前几天,她主持了一个新娘进我家的 仪式。在这个仪式上,她高声朗读了一封关于婚姻的信,这是她写给Melinda的。那时,我的母亲已经因为癌症病入膏肓,但是她还是认为这是又一个传播她 的信念的机会。在那封信的结尾,她写道:“对于那些接受了许多帮助的人们,他们还在期待更多的帮助。”

When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us.


In line with the promise of this age, I want to exhort each of the graduates here to take on an issue – a complex problem, a deep inequity, and become a specialist on it. If you make it the focus of your career, that would be phenomenal. But you don’t have to do that to make an impact. For a few hours every week, you can use the growing power of the Internet to get informed, find others with the same interests, see the barriers, and find ways to cut through them.

同这个时代的期望一样,我也要向今天各位毕业的同学提出一个忠告:你们要选择一个问题,一个复杂的问题,一个有关于人类深刻的不平等的问题,然后你 们要变成这个问题的专家。如果你们能够使得这个问题成为你们职业的核心,那么你们就会非常杰出。但是,你们不必一定要去做那些大事。每个星期只用几个小 时,你就可以通过互联网得到信息,找到志同道合的朋友,发现困难所在,找到解决它们的途径。

Don’t let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities. It will be one of the great experiences of your lives.


You graduates are coming of age in an amazing time. As you leave Harvard, you have technology that members of my class never had. You have awareness of global inequity, which we did not have. And with that awareness, you likely also have an informed conscience that will torment you if you abandon these people whose lives you could change with very little effort. You have more than we had; you must start sooner, and carry on longer.

在座的各位毕业的同学,你们所处的时代是一个神奇的时代。当你们离开哈佛的时候,你们拥有的技术,是我们那一届学生所没有的。你们已经了解到了世界 上的不平等,我们那时还不知道这些。有了这样的了解之后,要是你再弃那些你可以帮助的人们于不顾,就将受到良心的谴责,只需一点小小的努力,你就可以改变 那些人们的生活。你们比我们拥有更大的能力;你们必须尽早开始,尽可能长时期坚持下去。

Knowing what you know, how could you not?


And I hope you will come back here to Harvard 30 years from now and reflect on what you have done with your talent and your energy. I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you have addressed the world’s deepest inequities … on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but their humanity.

我希望,30年后你们还会再回到哈佛,想起你们用自己的天赋和能力所做出的一切。我希望,在那个时候,你们用来评价自己的标准,不仅仅是你们的专业 成就,而包括你们为改变这个世界深刻的不平等所做出的努力,以及你们如何善待那些远隔千山万水、与你们毫不涉及的人们,你们与他们唯一的共同点就是同为人 类。

Good luck.



如果忘记了 MySQL 的 root 密码,可以用以下方法重新设置:

1. KILL掉系统里的MySQL进程;

2. 用以下命令启动MySQL,以不检查权限的方式启动;

mysqld_safe -skip-grant-tables &

3. 然后用空密码方式使用root用户登录 MySQL;

mysql -u root

4. 修改root用户的密码;

mysql> update mysql.user set password=PASSWORD(‘新密码‘) where User=‘root‘; 
mysql> flush privileges; 
mysql> quit


5. 重新启动MySQL,就可以使用新密码登录了。




shell> mysql -u root mysql mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD(’new_password’) WHERE user=’root’; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

第二種︰使用 set password 語法

shell> mysql -u root mysql mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root=PASSWORD(’new_password’);

第三種︰使用 mysqladmin命令

shell>mysqladmin -u root password new_password


遥控根据使用者是分为好多种方式的,LAMA 4原来买回来的适合是日本手。后来因为右手油门很不习惯,就把左右手对调了一下,改为反日本手,呵呵。现在觉得美国手比较科学,又换为美国手练习中….




IRCHA 直升机动作难度7个等级中英对照






第一级 (Level I)

第二级(Level II)

第三级(Level III) 

第四级(Level IV)

第五级(Level V) 

第六级(Level VI) 

第七级(Level VII)



第一级  (Level I)


Stationary Hover(静止停悬)

Hover Laterally(水平移动)

Multiple-level Hover(多重高度停悬)

3/4 Rear View Hovering45°角停悬)

Full Lateral View Hovering(侧面停悬)

Diagonal Hovering(对角停悬)

Circle Hovering

第二级(Level II)

Taxi Out(水平滑行)


90 Degree Turns90°转向)

Flying Box(矩形飞行)

180 Degree Turns180°回转)

Straight and Level Flight(水平直线飞行)

Figure of Eight – Constant Heading, Hovering(机头定向8字飞行)

Figure of Eight – "Lazy 8"(水平快8字飞行)

Figure of Eight – Flying(水平8字飞行)

Traffic Pattern Approach to Landing(小角度降落航道)

Translational Descent(大角度降落航道)


Stall Turn180°失速倒转)

Inside Loop(内浸斗)


第三级(Level III)

Nose-in – Hover(对面停悬)

Nose-in – Circle(机头向内水平圆)

Nose-in – Take-off(对面起飞)

Nose-in – Landing(对面降落)

540 Stall Turn540°失速倒转)

Horizontal Roll(水平侧滚)

Immelmann Turn(英麦曼回转)

1/2 Cuban Eight1/2 古巴8字)

Loop w/Pirouette at the Top(内浸斗/顶点旋转 360°)

Flying Circle(水平圆)

Figure of Eight – Nose-in, Tail-in(机头向内、向外水平8字)

Autorotation Landing(熄火降落)

第四级(Level IV)

Sustained Inverted Flight(倒飞水平圆)

Sustained Inverted Hover(倒飞停悬)

Inverted Pirouettes(倒飞原地旋转)

Inverted Figure of Eight – Flying(倒飞水平8字飞行)

Consecutive Stationary Rolls(连续侧滚)

Auto 180 Degree Autorotation180°熄火降落)

Flips Forward(前滚翻)

Flips Backward(後滚翻)

Flips Laterally(侧滚翻)

Rolling Circle(侧滚水平圆)


第五级(Level V

Sustained Backward Flight(後退水平圆)

Sustained Backward Figure of Eight – Flying(後退8字飞行)

Sustained Backward Flight – Inside Loops(後退内浸斗)

Sustained Backward Flight – Rolls(後退侧滚)

Sustained Backward Inverted Flight(倒飞後退水平圆)

Sustained Backward Inverted Figure of Eight -Flying(倒飞後退8字飞行)  

Autorotation with inverted segment(倒飞熄火降落)

Knife Edge Pirouette(侧飞自旋 360°)

Death Spiral(侧飞水平螺旋下坠)

第六级(Level VI)

Sideways Flight(横向飞行水平圆)

Sideways Figure of Eight – Flying(横向8字飞行)

Sideways Inside Loops(横向内浸斗)

Sideways Outside Loops(横向外浸斗)

Sideways Rolls(横向滚翻)

Sideways Rolls – Helicopter is Rolling(横向滚翻    机体侧滚)

Sideways Rolls – Helicopter is Tumbling(横向滚翻    机体前後滚翻)

Pirouetting Figure of Eight(机体自旋8字飞行)

Inverted Pirouetting Figure of Eight(机体倒飞自旋8字飞行)

第七级(Level VII)

Pirouetting Inside Loop(机体自旋内觔斗)

Pirouetting Roll(机体自旋侧滚)

Stationary Pirouetting Tumbles(机体自旋原地滚翻)

Traveling Pirouetting Tumbles(机体自旋前进滚翻)

Pirouetting Outside Loop(机体自旋外觔斗)

Pirouetting Autorotation(机体自旋熄火降落)

Pirouetting Auger(机体自旋螺旋钻)

Straight Upright Flight(正立直线飞行)



第一级  (Level I)

Level I is the most basic of the program and is characterized by the pilot becoming SAFE and  Proficient  in  the  Hover  and  its  related  phases.  Pilot  position  for  most  of  the maneuvers shall be from the position of Tail-in towards the pilot.



The take-off should be performed straight up from the landing area, at a constant rate of climb, with little lateral deviations. Come to a complete stop without any vertical bounce or dip, and little to no lateral wobble or drifting. The landing area is defined as a 1 meter diameter circle.
由降落区内将直升机垂直起飞,保持稳定的上升速度,上升的过程中允许轻微的横向偏移。直升机停止上升後,机体需保持完全静止不动,不可有任何的垂直上升或 下降,机体不可左右摇晃或漂移。降落区为直径1公尺的圆圈。


Stationary Hover(静止停悬)

1.  After  the  take-off,  coming  to  a  complete  stop  with  little  to  no  vertical  bounce,  dip, lateral drifting or wobble.
起飞後机体保持完全静止不动,不可有任意的垂直上升或下降,机体不可左右摇晃 或漂移。

2. Hold in the Stationary Hover for one (1) minute.

3. The Stationary Hover should give the appearance of being under total control.



Hover Laterally(水平移动)

1. From take-off area hover forward ten (10) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
先将直升机在起飞区的上空保持停悬,然後水平前进 10 尺,保持静止停悬 10 秒钟。

2. From there hover backward twenty (20) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
然後水平後退 20 尺,保持静止停悬 10 秒钟。

3. From there hove forward ten (10) feet until you are over the landing area, then hover to the left ten (10) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
水平前进 10 尺,直到直升机到达降落区的上空,向左水平移动 10 尺,保持静止停 10 秒钟。

4. From there hover to the right twenty (20) feet, hold for ten (10) seconds.
然後向右水平移动 20 尺,保持静止停悬 10 秒钟。

5. From there hove back to the left ten (10) feet until you are over the landing area.
向左水平移动 10 尺,回到降落区的上空。

6. Land with the skids completely within the landing area.


Multiple-level Hover(多重高度停悬)

1. Take-off, hover for five (5) seconds.

2. Climb straight up two (2) meters, hold for five (5) seconds.

3. Descend vertically two (2) meters, hold for five (5) seconds.

4. Land with the skids completely within the landing area.


3/4 Rear View Hovering45°角停悬)

1. Take-off to Hover, hold for five (5) seconds.

2. Rotate nose of helicopter either left or right forty-five (45) degrees, hold for five (5) seconds.
向左或向右将机头旋转 45°,保持静止停悬5秒钟。

3. Rotate the nose of the helicopter back to straight ahead, hold for five (5) seconds.
将机头旋转 45°回到原来的方向,保持静止停悬5秒钟。

4. Continue rotating the nose of the helicopter forty-five (45) degrees to the other side, hold for five (5) seconds.
将机头朝另外一边旋转 45°,保持静止停悬5秒钟。

5. Rotate the nose back to straight ahead, hold for five (5) seconds.
将机头旋转 45°回到原来的方向,保持静止停悬5秒钟。

6. Land with the skids completely within the landing area.


Full Lateral View Hovering(侧面停悬)

Same as 3/4 View Hovering, but in steps 2 and 4 rotate ninety (90) degrees instead of forty-five (45) degrees.
如同 45°角停悬一般,但在步骤2及4时,将机头旋转 90°。


Diagonal Hovering(对角停悬)

1.  After  take-off  from  the  landing  area  within  center  of  a  10  meter/yard  box,  from Stationary  Hover,  maintaining  a  constant  heading,  move  the  helicopter  diagonally  to  a corner of the box, hold for five (5) seconds, then return to the center of the box.
由边长为  10  公尺的正方形中心点的降落区起飞後,保持机头朝固定的方向,由静止停悬开始,将直升机飞往正方形的一个角落,保持静止停悬5秒钟,然後再飞回 正方形的中心点。

2. Repeat with the remaining 3 corners of the box.

3. Land with the skids completely within the landing area.


Circle Hovering

1. Tail-in Circle(机头向外水平圆)

A. Take-off, hold hover for five (5) seconds.

B. Move the helicopter to the right, keeping the tail pointed at the pilot, in a circle around the pilot.         Until the helicopter is hovering over the take-off point.
保持机尾朝向操控者,以操控者为圆心,以顺时针的方向,执行直径  10  公尺的水 平圆。直到直升机到达起飞点的上空。

C. Move the helicopter to the left, repeating step b above.

D. Land with the skids completely within the landing area.

2. Constant Heading Circle(机头定向水平圆) A. Take-off, hold hover for five (5) seconds.

B. Move the helicopter to the right, keeping the tail pointed in the same direction, in a ten(10) meter circle in front of the pilot. Until the helicopter is hovering over the take-off point.
保持机头朝固定的方向,在操控者的前面以顺时针的方向,执行直径 10 公尺的水平圆。直到直升机到达起飞点的上空。

C. Move the helicopter to the left, repeating step b above.
以逆时针的方向重覆执行步骤 B

D. Land with the skids completely within the landing area.


第二级(Level II)

Level  II  is  an  intermediate  level  of  proficiency  and  completion  of  this  level  takes  the pilot  to  the  level  of  a  well  rounded  pilot  capable  of  performing  Basic  Flight  skills. Intrinsic  to  this  level  is  successfully  completing  all  components  of  Level  I,  then advancing to the ability to FLY the helicopter in circuits. 第二级属於中等程度,使操控者有能力执行基础飞行的技巧。第二级的本质是要能 成功地完成第一级的所有动作,以及增进圆周飞行的能力。


Taxi Out(水平滑行)

1. Take-off from the landing area to eye-level, hold momentarily.

2. Hover forward slowly for no less than ten (10) meters.
缓慢地往前滑行至少 10 公尺的距离。

3. Turn into the prevailing wind direction and continue straight and level for no less than ten (10) meters.
将机头转至迎风面,并且继续水平直线前进至少 10 公尺的距离。

4. Either proceed to Climb-Out or Land within the landing area circle.
接下来可以直接进行"垂直爬升"的程序或降落程序,降落时机体必须在圆形的降落 区内。



1. After Taxi Out, begin ascent by gradually increasing power/collective.

2. Continue to climb until an altitude of approximately fifty (50) feet.
持续地爬升,直到大约 50 尺的高度。

3. Climb-out should be parallel to flight path and at a moderate speed.


90 Degree Turns90°转向)

After Climb-Out, turn 90 degrees in a direction away from pilot and spectators.
执行完"垂直爬升"後,将机头旋转 90°,使机尾朝向操控者及观众。


Flying Box(矩形飞行)

1. After completing the Climb-Out and first 90 Degree Turn, continue to fly straight and level.

2. Execute another 90 Degree Turn, same direction as before.

3. Continue as before until a box or rectangle has been formed.


180 Degree Turns180°回转)

1. While flying straight and level, execute a turn, hold this turn until the helicopter has come  around  back  to  the  same  direction  it  has  just  come  from,  straighten  out  and continue in straight and level flight.
先保持水平直线飞行,然後执行转弯的动作,回转 180°後对正航道,继续保持水平直线飞行。

2. Turns should be made turning away from the pilot to the right and left.

3. Turns should be made turning toward the pilot to the right and left.


Straight and Level Flight(水平直线飞行)

1. From the left to the right.

2. From the right to the left.


Figure of Eight – Constant Heading, Hovering(机头定向8字飞行)

1. Take-off to eye-level, hold momentarily.

2.  While  maintaining  constant  altitude,  speed  and  heading,  begin  a  forward  hovering circle to either the right or the left.
将直升机保持在同高度、同速度以及机头朝固定的方向,向右或向左开始执行水平 圆的动作。

3. As the helicopter reaches the take-off point, continue hovering forward and complete a circle in the opposite direction from before.

4.  Stop  over  take-off  point,  descend  vertically  and  land  completely  within  the  landing circle.


Figure of Eight – "Lazy 8"(水平快8字飞行)

1. With the helicopter flying straight and level after it passes the pilot, make a turn that is greater than 180 degrees, away from the pilot.
先保持水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者後,向外侧(远离操控者)执行大於 180°的转弯。

2. After the helicopter passes in front of the pilot, execute another turn that is greater than180 degrees, away from the pilot.
当直升机通过操控者後,再向外侧(远离操控者)执行另一次大於 180°的转弯。

3.  This  maneuver  must  be  done  starting  from  both  left  to  right  (first  turn  to  the  left, counterclockwise) and right to left (first turn to the right, clockwise).


Figure of Eight – Flying(水平8字飞行)

1. With the helicopter flying straight and level after it passes the pilot, make a 270 degree turn away from the pilot, the helicopter will now be pointed directly at the pilot.
先保持水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者後,开始执行外侧 3/4 水平圆(远离操 控者),使机头朝向操控者。

2. After the helicopter is pointing at the pilot, execute a 360 degree turn, in the opposite direction. The helicopter will again be pointing directly at the pilot.
当机头朝向操控者後,向另一侧执行 360°水平圆,使机头再次朝向操控者。

3. After the helicopter is pointing at the pilot again, execute a 90 degree turn, in the same direction as the first 270 degree turn.
当机头再次朝向操控者後,执行 1/4 水平圆,使机头与步骤1的水平直线飞行同向。

4. This maneuver must be done starting from both left to right (first 270 degree turn to the left, counterclockwise) and right to left (first 270 degree turn to the right, clockwise).
分别由左至右(向左执行 3/4 水平圆,逆时针),以及由右至左(向右执行 3/4 水平圆顺时针),执行水平8字飞行。


Traffic Pattern Approach to Landing(小角度降落航道)

1.  From  straight  and  level  flight,  after  the  helicopter  passes  the  pilot,  execute  a  180 degree turn away from the pilot.
先保持水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者後,开始执行外侧 180°转弯的动作(远 离操控者)。

2. Start to reduce speed and power.

3. After the helicopter passes the pilot, execute a 180 degree turn towards, continue to reduce power/collective so as to descend at a gradual angle to the landing zone.
当直升机再次通过操控者後,开始执行内侧 180

4. This must be done starting from both the right and the left.


Translational Descent(大角度降落航道)

1. This is similar to the Traffic Pattern Approach, but the descent angle should be much greater (about 45 degrees) and the descend continues all the way to the landing.
"小角度降落航道"非常类似,但下降的角度比较大(约  45°),必须持续保持下 降直到著陆。

2. This must be done starting from both the right and the left.



1.  This  landing  is  to  be  completed  as  part  of  a  Translational  Descent,  but  this  has  the added  requirement  that  both  the  take-off  and  landing  must  be  within  a  one  (1)  meter circle. The skids must be completely within the landing circle.

2. This must be done starting from both the right and the left.


Stall Turn180°失速倒转)

1.  Starting  from  straight  and  level  flight  after  the  helicopter  passes  the  pilot,  the helicopter is smoothly pulled vertical (Aft Cyclic).
先保持水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者後,开始平滑地拉高机头(打升舵), 使机头朝上垂直爬升。

2.  When  the  vertical  climb  stops,  the  helicopter  is  rotated  180  degrees  about  the  yaw axis.
当直升机停止爬升後,将机头旋转 180°(机头朝下)。

3. The helicopter is allowed to fall the same distance that it climbed at the beginning of the maneuver before pulling the helicopter back to straight and level flight.

 4. This maneuver must be done both to the right and the left of the pilot.


Inside Loop(内浸斗)

 1.  Starting  from  straight  and  level  flight  after  the  helicopter  passes  the  pilot,  the helicopter is smoothly pulled through a loop (Aft Cyclic).
先保持水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者後,开始平滑地拉高机头(打升舵), 使飞行轨迹成为一个环状。

2. As the helicopter is "on its back", the pilot should reduce collective so as to keep the loop as round as possible.

 3. This maneuver must be done starting from both the right and the left of the pilot.



 1. From a stationary hover, execute a tail rotor only turn of 360 degrees to either the right or the left.
先保持静止停悬,然後方向舵打右舵或左舵,使机体原地旋转 360°。

 2. This maneuver must be done in both directions, to the right (clockwise) and the left (counterclockwise)


第三级(Level III)

Level III is an advanced intermediate level of proficiency and completion of this level takes  the  pilot  to  the  level  of  a  pilot  capable  of  performing  all  Upright  Flight  skills. Intrinsic to this level is successfully completing all components of Level I and II, then advancing to the ability to control the helicopter in all upright orientations. 第三级属於中上程度,使操控者有能力执行所有的正面飞行技巧。第三级的本质是 要能成功地完成第一级与第二级的所有动作,以及增进对於新动作的操控及定位能力。


Nose-in – Hover(对面停悬)

1. Take-off from the landing area (a 36" or 1 meter circle) to eye-level, hold momentarily.

2. Either Pirouette or Fly and stop in the Nose-in condition, the preferred method is to Pirouette to nose-in.

3. Hold in the Stationary Nose-in Hover for one (1) minute.

4. The Stationary Hover should give the appearance of being under total control.

5. Land with the skids completely within the landing area.


Nose-in – Circle(机头向内水平圆)

1. Take-off, move into a Nose-in Hover, hold hover for five (5) seconds.

2.  Move  the  helicopter  to  the  right,  keeping  the  tail  pointed  away  from  the  pilot,  in  a circle around the pilot. Until the helicopter is hovering over the take-off point.
保持机头朝向操控者,以操控者为圆心,以顺时针的方向执行水平圆的动作,直到 直升机到达起飞点的上空。

3. Move the helicopter to the left, repeating step 2 above.


Nose-in – Take-off(对面起飞)

1. With the helicopter in the landing area, and the pilot standing in front of the helicopter,at a SAFE distance.

2. Take-off into a Nose-in hover.


Nose-in – Landing(对面降落)

1. From a Stationary Nose-in Hover.

2. Land while still Nose-in, with the skids completely within the landing area.


540 Stall Turn540°失速倒转)

1. Start by performing a Stall Turn similar to that in Level II.

2. Instead of rotating the helicopter only 180 degrees, this time rotate the helicopter 540 degrees (1-1/2 revolutions).
当直升机停止爬升後,将机头旋转 540°(机头朝下)。

3. This maneuver must be done both to the right and the left of the pilot.


Horizontal Roll(水平侧滚)

1. Helicopter flying straight and level.

2. Then rolls slowly through one (1) complete revolution.

3. This maneuver must be done from the right to the left, and from the left to the right.


Immelmann Turn(英麦曼回转)

1. Helicopter flying straight and level.

2. Then perform 1/2 loop, to inverted.
执行 1/2 内浸斗,使直升机成为倒飞状态。

3. Then helicopter performs 1/2 roll to upright.
然後执行 1/2 侧滚,使直升机恢复成正飞状态。

4. Fly straight and level.

5. This maneuver must be done starting from both the right and the left of the pilot.


1/2 Cuban Eight1/2 古巴8字)

1. Helicopter flying straight and level.

2. Then perform 5/8 loop, helicopter should be inverted on a 45 degree down line.
执行 5/8 内浸斗,使直升机成为倒飞的姿态,机头向下 45°。

3. Then helicopter performs 1/2 roll to upright.
然後执行 1/2 侧滚,使直升机成为正飞的姿态,机头向下 45°。

4. Level out and fly straight and level.

5. This maneuver must be done starting from both the right and the left of the pilot.


Loop w/Pirouette at the Top(内浸斗/顶点旋转 360°)

1. Start by performing a Loop similar to that in Level II.

2. When the helicopter is inverted, add enough negative pitch to support the helicopter, and remove the Aft cyclic control.
当直升机到达最高点成为倒飞姿态时,增加负螺距使直升机的高度不会下降,将升 降舵回到中立点。

3. Perform a Pirouette while inverted.
倒飞旋转 360°。

4. Complete the Loop as normal.

5. This maneuver must be done once with the Pirouette to the right and once with the Pirouette to the left.
在顶点倒飞旋转 360°时,需分别执行向右旋转及向左旋转的动作。


Flying Circle(水平圆)

1. Starting from a tail-in hover, rotate the helicopter 90 degrees.
先将机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,然後将机头旋转 90°。

2.  Fly  in  a  circle  back  to  the  starting  point,  while  maintaining  constant  altitude,  and speed.

3. This maneuver must be done circling both clockwise and counterclockwise.


Figure of Eight – Nose-in, Tail-in(机头向内、向外水平8字)

1. Take-off to eye-level, hold momentarily, hover the helicopter out a a SAFE distance and height before starting this maneuver.

2.  While  maintaining  constant  altitude,  speed  and  heading  begin  a  circle  to  either  the right or the left with the tail of the helicopter pointing to the center of the circle.

3. As the helicopter reaches the starting point continue hovering, but in a circle in the opposite direction from before and with the nose of the helicopter pointing to the centerof the circle.

4.   This maneuver must be  done  starting   the   nose-in   circle   both   clockwise   and counterclockwise.


Autorotation Landing(熄火降落)

1. Starting from an altitude of no less than twenty (20) meters and on a heading parallel to the flight line, start your Autorotation.
机头保持与航道平行,且高度不得低於 20 公尺,开始执行熄火降落。

 2. Try for a smooth constant rate of descent directly to a one (1) meter landing circle.

3. The tail blades must stop before the helicopter touches the ground.

4. All of the helicopter landing skids must be within the landing circle.

5. This maneuver must be done starting from the right and from the left of the pilot. The pilot may stand anywhere they wish during this maneuver.


第四级(Level IV)


Level IV is an advanced level of proficiency and completion of this level takes the pilot to  the  level  of  a  pilot  capable  of  performing  the  beyond  the  basics  of  Inverted  Flight. Intrinsic to this level is successfully completing all components of the previous levels, then advancing to the ability to control the helicopter in these new orientations. Please use   extreme   caution   when   performing   these   advanced   maneuvers,   the   pilots   and spectators safety is of utmost importance.
第四级属於高级程度,使操控者有能力执行基础的倒飞动作。第四级的本质是要能 成功地完成前三级的所有动作,以及增进对於新动作的操控及定位能力。在执行这 些高级的动作时,必须尽可能地注意操控者及观众的安全。


Sustained Inverted Flight(倒飞水平圆)

1.   With   the   helicopter   inverted   fly   at   least   one   (1)   clockwise   and   one   (1) counterclockwise circuit around your flying area.

2. The idea is to learn control the helicopter as it is turning towards you and away form you.


Sustained Inverted Hover(倒飞停悬)

1. With the helicopter inverted and no more than ten (10) yards/meters above the landing area hover nose out, hold for ten (10) seconds.
离降落区 10 /公尺内的高度,机尾朝向操控者,保持静止倒飞停悬 10 秒钟。

2. With the helicopter inverted and no more than ten (10) yards/meters above the landing area hover nose in, hold for ten (10) seconds.
离降落区 10 /公尺内的高度,机头朝向操控者,保持静止倒飞停悬 10 秒钟。


Inverted Pirouettes(倒飞原地旋转)

1. With the helicopter inverted and no more than ten (10) yards/meters above the landing area hover nose out, hold for ten (10) seconds.
离降落区 10 /公尺内的高度,机尾朝向操控者,保持静止倒飞停悬 10 秒钟。

2.  While  maintaining  a  constant  altitude  use  the  tail  rolor  to  rotate  the  helicopter clockwise90 degrees, hold for ten (10) seconds.
保持稳定的停悬高度时,将方向舵打右舵,使直升机顺时针旋转 90°,保持静止倒 飞停悬 10 秒钟。

3.  While  maintaining  a  constant  altitude  use  the  tail  rolor  to  rotate  the  helicopter clockwise 90 degrees, the helicopter will now be Nose-In, hold for ten (10) seconds.
保持稳定的停悬高度,将方向舵打右舵,使直升机顺时针旋转 90°,此时机头朝向 操控者,保持静止倒飞停悬 10 秒钟。

4.  While  maintaining  a  constant  altitude  use  the  tail  rolor  to  rotate  the  helicopter clockwise 90 degrees, hold for ten (10) seconds.
保持稳定的停悬高度,将方向舵打右舵,使直升机顺时针旋转 90°,保持静止倒飞 停悬 10 秒钟。

5.  While  maintaining  a  constant  altitude  use  the  tail  rolor  to  rotate  the  helicopter clockwise 90 degrees, the helicoper will back to Nose-Out, hold for ten (10) seconds.
保持稳定的停悬高度,将方向舵打右舵,使直升机顺时针旋转 90°,此时机尾又朝 向操控者,保持静止倒飞停悬 10 秒钟。

6. Repeat but rotate the helicopter counterclockwise.


Inverted Figure of Eight – Flying(倒飞水平8字飞行)

1. With the helicopter is flying straight and level inverted after it passes the pilot, make a 270 degree turn away from the pilot, the helicopter will now be pointed directly at the pilot.
先保持倒飞水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者後,开始执行外侧 3/4 水平圆(远 离操控者),使机头朝向操控者。

2. After the helicopter is pointing at the pilot, execute a 360 degree turn, in the opposite direction. The helicopter will again be pointing directly at the pilot.
当机头朝向操控者後,向另一侧执行 360°水平圆,使机头再次朝向操控者。

3. After the helicopter is pointing at the pilot again, execute a 90 degree turn, in the same direction as the first 270 degree turn.
当机头再次朝向操控者後,执行 1/4 水平圆,使机头与步骤1的水平直线飞行同向。

4. This maneuver must be done starting from both left to right (first 270 degree turn to the left, counterclockwise) and right to left (first 270 degree turn to the right, clockwise).
分别由左至右(向左执行 3/4 水平圆,逆时针),以及由右至左(向右执行 3/4 水平圆,顺时针),执行水平8字飞行。


Consecutive Stationary Rolls(连续侧滚)

1. With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the right.
机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打右舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副 翼打右舵使直升机向右完成侧滚二圈。

2. With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add left cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the left.
机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打左舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副 翼打左舵使直升机向左完成侧滚二圈。

3.  With  the  helicopter  hovering  Nose-In,  add  right  cyclic  and  flip  the  helicopter  to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the right.
机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打右舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副 翼打右舵使直升机向右完成侧滚二圈。

4. With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add left cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted,continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the left.
机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打左舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副 翼打左舵使直升机向左完成侧滚二圈。


Auto 180 Degree Autorotation180°熄火降落)

1. Starting from an altitude of no less than twenty (20) meters and on a heading parallel to the flight line, start your Autorotation.
机头保持与航道平行,且高度不得低於 20 公尺,开始执行熄火降落。

2. Try for a smooth constant rate of descent directly to a one (1) meter landing circle.

3. The helicopter must complete a 180 degree turn after the Autorotation has started.
熄火降落的程序开始执行後,直升机必须完成 180°转弯的动作。

4. All of the helicopter landing skids must be within the landing circle.

5. This maneuver must be done starting from the right and from the left of the pilot, and the  180  degree  turn  must  be  done  both  clockwise  and  counterclockwise  from  each direction.        The pilot may stand anywhere they wish during this maneuver.
分别由操控者的右侧及左侧开始执行,并且 180°转弯的动作必须以顺时针及逆时 针的方向各执行一次,操控者可以站在任意      地方执行熄火降落。


Flips Forward(前滚翻)

1. With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵打降舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝向操控者的倒飞 姿态,保持静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。

2. From this inverted Nose-In hover, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.

3. With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵打降舵使直升机翻滚为机尾朝向操控者的倒飞 姿态,保持静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。

4. From this inverted Tail-In hover, add forward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
由机尾朝向操控者的倒飞停悬,将升降舵打降舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝向操控者的 正立停悬姿态,保持静止停悬5秒钟。


Flips Backward(後滚翻)

1. With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝向操控者的倒飞 姿态,保持静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。

2. From this inverted Nose-In hover, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
由机头朝向操控者的倒飞停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机翻滚为机尾朝向操控者的 正立停悬姿态,保持静止停悬5秒钟。

3. With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Tail-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机翻滚为机尾朝向操控者的倒飞 姿态,保持静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。

4. From this inverted Tail-In hover, add backward cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-In hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
由机尾朝向操控者的倒飞停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝向操控者的 正立停悬姿态,保持静止停悬5秒钟。


Flips Laterally(侧滚翻)

1. With the helicopter hovering Nose-Left, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-Left hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
机头朝左保持停悬,将副翼打右舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝左的倒飞停悬姿态,保持 静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。

2. From this inverted Nose-Left hover, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-Left hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
由机头朝左的倒飞停悬,将副翼打右舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝左的正立停悬姿态, 保持静止停悬5秒钟。

3. Repeat but use left cyclic instead of right cyclic.

4. With the helicopter hovering Nose-Right, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to an inverted Nose-Right hover, hold for five (5) seconds.
机头朝右保持停悬,将副翼打右舵使直升机翻滚为机头朝右的倒飞停悬姿态,保持 静止倒飞停悬5秒钟。

5. From this inverted Nose-Right hover, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter back to an upright Nose-Right hover, hold for five (5) seconds.

6. Repeat but use left cyclic instead of right cyclic.


Rolling Circle(侧滚水平圆)

1. Fly a clockwise circle while rolling the helicopter to the right.

2. Repeat flying a clockwise circle, but this time rolling the helicopter to the left.


3. Fly a counterclockwise circle while rolling the helicopter to the right.

4. Repeat flying a counterclockwise circle, but this time rolling the helicopter to the left.



1.  With  the  helicopter  hovering  Tail-In  pull  back  cyclic,  and  work  the  collective  to complete  at  least  two  (2)  full  back  tumbles  while  maintaining  a  constant  altitude  and heading. Stop the helicopter in a stable Tail-In hover.
机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机保持固定的高度及方向,向後 翻滚至少二圈。动作执行完毕後,机尾朝向操控者保持稳定的停悬。

2. Repeat push forward cyclic completing a minimum of two (2) forward tumbles.

3.  With  the  helicopter  hovering  Nose-In  pull  back  cyclic,  and  work  the  collective  to complete  at  least  two  (2)  full  back  tumbles  while  maintaining  a  constant  altitude  and heading. Stop the helicopter in a stable Nose-In hover.
机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将升降舵拉升舵使直升机保持固定的高度及方向,向後 翻滚至少二圈。动作执行完毕後,机头朝向操控者保持稳定的停悬。

4. Repeat push forward cyclic completing a minimum of two (2) forward tumbles.

5. Fly straight and level form left to right as the helicopter is just about in front of the pilot, pull back cyclic, adjust the collective to maintain constant altitude and speed and hold the back cyclic as the helicopter completes one (1) full traveling tumbling back flip to upright. Fly away straight and level.
由左至右保持水平直线飞行,当直升机在操控者的正前方时,将升降舵拉升舵,控 制主旋翼的螺距使直升机保持固定的高度及前进速度,向後翻滚一圈完毕。继续保 持水平直线飞行。 

6. Repeat but start flying from right to left.

7. Fly straight and level from left to right at a moderate speed as the helicopter is just about in front of the pilot, add extra collective momentarily, then simultaneously push forward cyclic, and adjust the collective to maintain constant altitude and speed and hold the forward cyclic until the helicopter completes one (1) full traveling tumbling front flip to upright. Fly away straight and level.
由左至右保持适当速度的水平直线飞行,当直升机在操控者的正前方时,瞬间加大 主旋翼的螺距,同时将升降舵打降舵,控制主旋翼的螺距使直升机保持固定的高度 及前进速度,直到直升机向前翻滚一圈完毕。继续保持水平直线飞行。

8. Repeat but start flying form right to left.


第五级(Level V)


Level V is an advanced level of proficiency and completion of this level takes the pilot to the level of a pilot capable of performing beyond the basics of Backward Flight. Intrinsic to  this  level  is  successfully  completing  all  components  of  the  previous  levels,  then advancing  to  the  ability  to  control  the  helicopter  in  these  new  orientations.  Please  use extreme caution when performing these advanced maneuvers, the pilots and spectators safety is of utmost importance.
第五级属於高级程度,使操控者有能力执行基础的後退飞行。第五级的本质是要能成功地完成前四级的所有动作,以及增进对於新动作的操控及定位能力。在执行这 些高级的动作时,必须尽可能地注意操控者及观众的安全。

Sustained Backward Flight(後退水平圆)


1.  With the helicopter upright fly backward  for  at  least  one  (1)  clockwise  and one  (1) counterclockwise circuits around your flying area.


Sustained Backward Figure of Eight – Flying(後退8字飞行)

1.  With  the  helicopter  hovering  pointing  to  the  left  over  the  landing  area,  move  the helicopter backwards to the right, then perform a 270 degree turn. The helicopter should be flying backwards directly at the pilot.
在降落区的上空将机头朝左保持停悬,向右後退飞行,然後执行外侧 3/4 水平圆, 此时机尾朝向操控者後退飞行。

2.  While  maintaining  constant  altitude  and  speed,  execute  a  360  degree  turn  in  the opposit direction, the helicopter should flying directly at the pilot again.
保持固定的高度及速度,向另一侧执行 360°水平圆,此时机尾又朝向操控者後退飞行。 

3. Perform a 90 degree turn in the same direction as the first 270 degree turn, fly away straight and level and then fly backwards to the starting point above the landing area.
执行後退 1/4 水平圆,使机头与步骤1的停悬同向,保持後退水平直线飞行至降落区上空的起始点。

4.  With  the  helicopter  hovering  Nose-In  over  the  landing  area,  move  the  helicopter backwards  away  from  the  pilot  perform  a  360  degree  turn.  The  helicopter  should  be flying backwards directly away from the pilot.
在降落区的上空将机头朝向操控者保持停悬,以後退飞行的方式执行 360°水平圆, 此时机头朝向操控者并保持後退飞行(远离操控者)。

5.  While  maintaining  constant  altitude  and  speed,  execute  another  360  degree  turn  in opposite direction, the helicopter should be flying directly away from the pilot again.
保持固定的高度及速度,向另一侧执行 360°水平圆,此时机头又朝向操控者并保 持後退飞行(远离操控者)。

6. To complete this manuuver, fly backward to a hover above the landing area.


Sustained Backward Flight – Inside Loops(後退内浸斗)


1. With the helicopter upright and flying backward straight and level from the left to the right, when the helicopter is directly in front of the pilot, push forward cyclic and execute a Tail first Inside Loop. Use the collective to make the loop as round as possible.
由左至右保持後退水平直线飞行,当直升机在操控者的正前方时,将升降舵打降舵 执行内浸斗。控制主旋翼的螺距,尽可能使飞行轨迹成为圆形的环状。

2. Repeat but this time start by flying backward from right to left.


Sustained Backward Flight – Rolls(後退侧滚)


1. While the helicopter is flying straight and level backward from left to right, before it reaches the pilot, roll the helicopter away from the pilot until completes one (1) roll. The helicopter should be flying inverted and backward as it passes in front of the pilot, the helicopter should continue to roll back to upright after is passes in front of the pilot. Use collective control to maintain constant altitude and speed. Fly away from the maneuver straight and level.
由左至右保持後退水平直线飞行,在直升机未到达操控者的正前方时,将副翼打右降舵执行侧滚(远离操控者)。当直升机到达操控者的正前方时,机体刚好成为倒 飞後退飞行,继续执行侧滚的动作,等到直升机通过操控者的正前方以後,机身便 恢复为正飞後退飞行。执行後退侧滚时,请控制主旋翼的螺距,以便维持固定的高 度及速度。

2. Repeat the above step but this time roll the helicopter toward the pilot.

3. Repeat the above steps but this time flying backwards from the right to the left, and do both a roll to the left and to the right.


Sustained Backward Inverted Flight(倒飞後退水平圆)


1. With the helicopter inverted fly backward for at least one (1) clockwise and one (1) counterclockwise circuits around your flying area.


Sustained Backward Inverted Figure of Eight -Flying(倒飞後退8字飞行)

1. With the helicopter hovering inverted pointing to the left over the landing area, move the helicopter backwards to the right, perform a 270 degree turn. The helicopter should be flying backwards directly at the pilot.
在降落区的上空将机头朝左保持倒飞停悬,向右後退飞行,然後执行外侧 3/4 水平 圆,此时机尾朝向操控者後退飞行。

2.  While  maintaining  constant  altitude  and  speed,  execute  a  360  degree  turn  in  the opposit direction, the helicopter should flying directly at the pilot again.
保持固定的高度及速度,向另一侧执行 360°水平圆,此时机尾又朝向操控者後退 飞行。

3.  Perform a  90 degree  turn  in the  same  direction  as the  first 270  degree turn,  fly out straight and level and then fly backwards to the starting point above the landing area.
执行後退 90°转弯,使机头与步骤1的停悬同向,保持後退水平直线飞行至降落区上空的起始点。

4.  With  the  helicopter  hovering  Nose-In  inverted  over  the  landing  area,  move  the helicopter  backwards  away  from  the  pilot  perform  a  360  degree  turn.  The  helicopter should be flying backwards directly away from the pilot.
在降落区的上空将机头朝向操控者保持倒飞停悬,以後退飞行的方式执行 360°水 平圆,此时机头朝向操控者并保持後退飞行(远离操控者)。

5.  While  maintaining  constant  altitude  and  speed,  execute  another  360  degree  turn  in opposite direction, the helicopter should flying directly away the pilot again.
保持固定的高度及速度,向另一侧执行 360°水平圆,此时机头又朝向操控者并保 持後退飞行(远离操控者)。

6. To complete this manuuver fly, backward to a hover above the landing area.


Autorotation with inverted segment(倒飞熄火降落)


1. Starting from an altitude of no less than twenty (20) meters and on a heading parallel to  the  flight  line,  with  the  helicopter  inverted  and  to  the  pilot  right,  start  your Autorotation.
机头保持与航道平行,且高度不得低於  20  公尺,直升机保持倒飞姿态,向操控者 的右侧开始执行熄火降落。

2. During the Autorotation, roll the helicopter to upright.

3. Try for a smooth constant rate of descent directly to the one (1) meter/yard landing 

4. Any part of the helicopter landing skids must be within the one (1) meter/yard landing circle.

5. Repeat but this time start the Autorotation to the pilot left.


Knife Edge Pirouette(侧飞自旋 360°)


1. With the helicopter flying straight and level form right to left, roll the helicopter to the left (toward the pilot), drop collective to zero degree, and while the helicopter is in knife edge flight at least one (1) full tail rotor turn (360 degrees) to the right (clockwise). Exit by rolling to the right, adding collective and fly away upright and level.
由右至左保持水平直线飞行,将副翼打左舵执行 1/4 侧滚(接近操控者)。降低主旋 翼的螺距成为0°,当直升机成为侧飞的状态时,以顺时针的方向至少执行一次 360°自旋,然後将副翼打右舵,增加主旋翼的螺距,使机体恢复成水平直线飞行。

2. Repeat step 1, but this time make the rail rotor turn to the left (counterclockwise).
重覆执行步骤1,但以逆时针的方向至少执行一次 360°自旋。

3. Repeat steps 1 & 2, but this time roll the helicopter to the right (away from the pilot). Exit by rolling back to the left.
重覆执行步骤1及2,但将副翼打右舵执行 1/4 侧滚(远离操控者)。结束时将副翼打左舵。

4. Repeat steps 1, 2 & 3, but this time with the helicopter flying from left to right.


Death Spiral(侧飞水平螺旋下坠)


1. With the helicopter hovering at a safe altitude, roll the helicopter to the left, until the rotor  blades  are  vertical,  the  helicopter  must  remain  horizontal  during  this  maneuver,

2.  The  helicopter  must  complete  at  least  three  (3)  complete  "forward"  tumbles  as  it  is falling sideways toward the ground.

3. Roll back to the right to exit this maneuver.

4.  Repeat  the  above  steps,  but  start  the  maneuver  by  rolling  to  the  right,  and  exit  by rolling to the left.
重覆执行步骤1、2及3,但将副翼打右舵执行 1/4 侧滚。结束时将副翼打左舵。

5.  Repeat  the  above  steps,  but  use  aft  cyclic  instead  of  forward  cyclic  completeing  at least three (3) "backward" tumbles.



第六级(Level VI)


Level VI is an advanced level of proficiency and completion of this level takes the pilot to  the  level  of  a  pilot  capable  of  performing  beyond  the  basics  of  Sideways  Flight. Intrinsic to this level is successfully completing all components of the previous levels, then advancing to the ability to control the helicopter in these new orientations. Please use   extreme   caution   when   performing   these   advanced   maneuvers,   the   pilots   and spectators safety is of utmost importance.
第六级属於高级程度,使操控者有能力执行基础的横向飞行。第六级的本质是要能 成功地完成前五级的所有动作,以及增进对於新动作的操控及定位能力。在执行这 些高级的动作时,必须尽可能地注意操控者及观众的安全。


Sideways Flight(横向飞行水平圆)


1. With the helicopter upright hovering Tail-In over the landing circle, fly sideways for at least one (1) clockwise and one (1) counterclockwise circuit around your flying area. The nose of the helicopter must be pointing toward the center of the flight area.
在降落区的上空将机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,在飞行区内以横向飞行的方式,对顺 时针及逆时针的方向,至少各执行一圈机头朝向圆心的水平圆。

2. With the helicopter rpright hovering Nose-In over the landing circle, fly sideways for at least one (1) clockwise and one (1) counterclockwise circuit around your flying area. The nose of the helicopter must be pointing away from the center of the flight area.
在降落区的上空将机头朝向操控者保持停悬,在飞行区内以横向飞行的方式,对顺 时针及逆时针的方向,至少各执行一圈机尾在降落区的上空将机尾朝向操控者保持 停悬,在飞行区内以横向飞行的方式,对顺时针及逆时针的方向,至少各执行一圈 机头朝向圆心的水平圆。朝向圆心的水平圆。


Sideways Figure of Eight – Flying(横向8字飞行)


1.  With  the  helicopter  hovering  Nose-Out  over  the  landing  area,  move  the  helicopter sideways to the right, perform a 270 degree Nose-In turn. The helicopter should now be flying sideways directly at the pilot.
在降落区的上空将机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,向右侧横向飞行,执行机头向内  3/4 水平圆,使机身右侧朝向操控者。

2. While maintaining constant altitude and speed, execute a 360 degree Nose-Out turn, the helicopter should be flying sideways directly at the pilot again.
保持固定的高度及速度,向另一侧执行机尾向内 360°水平圆,此时机身右侧又再 一次朝向操控者。

3.  Perform  a  90  degree  Nose-In  turn  fly  sideways  straight  and  level,  completing  the maneuver. Fly back to the starting point above the landing area.
再执行机头向内 1/4 水平圆後便完成此动作。将直升机飞回降落区上空的起始点。

4. Repeat the maneuver but this time start flying sideways to the left.

5. With the helicopter hovering Nose-Right over the landing area, move the helicopter sideways directly away from the pilot, perform a 360 degree Nose-In turn. The helicopter should now be flying sideways directly away from the pilot.
在降落区的上空将机头朝右保持停悬,向外侧(飞离操控者)开始横向飞行,执行 机头向内 360°水平圆,使机身侧面朝向操控者。

6.  Complete  the  maneuver  by  performing  a  360  degree  Nose-Out  turn.  The  helicopter should again be flying sideways directly away from the pilot.
再向另一侧执行机尾向内 360°水平圆後便完成此动作,此时机身侧面又再一次朝向操控者。

7. Repeat the maneuver, but this time start with the helicopter hovering Nose-Left.

Sideways Inside Loops(横向内浸斗)


1. With the helicopter upright flying sideways Tail-In straight and level from left to right,as the helicopter passes in front of the pilot, apply collective and left cyclic to complete an inside loop.

2. Repeat with the helicopter flying sideways from right to left, and right cyclic.

3.  Repeat  both  of  the  above  loop,  but  this  time  the  helicopter  must  be  Nose-In  to  the pilot.


Sideways Outside Loops(横向外浸斗)


1. With the helicopter upright flying sideways straight and level from left to right, as the helicopter passes in front of the pilot, apply collective and right cyclic to complete an outside loop.
保持机尾朝向操控者,由左向右开始横向水平飞行,当直升机通过操控者的前方时, 加大主旋翼的螺距并且将副翼打右舵完成一个外浸斗。

2. Repeat with the helicopter flying sideways from right to left, and left cyclic.
重覆执行步骤1,但由右向左开始横向水平飞行,并且将副翼打左舵完成一个外浸 斗。

3.  Repeat  both  of  the  above  loop,  but  this  time  the  helicopter  must  be  Nose-In  to  the pilot.


Sideways Rolls(横向滚翻)


NoteA "roll" while flying sideways can be thought of in two different way.

1) In the normal way of rolling as a helicopter would normally fly or as

2) A roll as compared to the current direction of flight.
相对於目前飞行方向的侧滚动作。 So we will do both 所以两者的动作我们都要执行!

Sideways Rolls – Helicopter is Rolling(横向滚翻    机体侧滚)


1. With the helicopter flying sideways Nose-Out straight and level from right to left, roll the helicopter to the left (the same direction as the helicopter is flying), use collective to maintain  altitude  and  speed  across  the  ground,  complete  at  least  one  (1)  roll.  Exit  by flying away sideways straight and level.
保持机尾朝向操控者,由右向左开始横向水平飞行,将副翼打左舵(与横向飞行的方向同向),控制主旋翼的螺距,使机体能保持固定的高度及横向速度,至少完成 一个侧滚。动作结束时保持横向水平飞行。

2.  Repeat  step  a,  but  this  time  make  the  roll  to  the  right  (opposite  the  direction  the helicopter is flying).
将副翼打右舵(与横向飞行的方向逆向),重覆执行步骤 1

3. Repeat steps a & b, but this time with the helicopter Nose-In to the pilot.
保持机头朝向操控者,重覆执行步骤 1 2

4. Repeat steps a, b & c, but this time with the helicopter flying from left to right.
由左向右开始横向水平飞行,重覆执行步骤 12 3


Sideways Rolls – Helicopter is Tumbling(横向滚翻    机体前後滚翻)


a.  With  the  helicopter  flying  sideways  Nose-Out  straight  and  level  from  right  to  left, tumble  the  helicopter  forward  while  traveling  sideways,  use  collective  to  maintain altitude  and  speed  across  the  ground,  complete  at  least  one  (1)  tumble.  Exit  by  flying  away sideways straight and level.
保持机尾朝向操控者,由右向左开始横向水平飞行,将升降舵打降舵,控制主旋翼 的螺距,使机体能保持固定的高度及横向速度,至少完成一个前滚翻。动作结束时 保持横向水平飞行。

b. Repeat step a, but this time make the tumble backward.

c. Repeat steps a & b, but this time with the helicopter Nose-In to the pilot.

d. Repeat steps a, b & c, but this time with the helicopter flying from left to right.


Pirouetting Figure of Eight(机体自旋8字飞行)


1. With the helicopter hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right. So at the center of the Eight, the helicopter is flying toward the pilot.
在降落区的上空将直升机保持停悬,机体以顺时针的方向保持自旋,并且朝右侧开 始执行外侧水平8字飞行。在8字形的中心点时,直升机是飞向操控者。

2. Repeat the above step, but this time start pirouetting counterclockwise.

3. Repeat step 1 above, but this time start the Figure of Eight by flying away from the pilot, pirouetting clockwise. So at the center of the Eight, the helicopter is flying away from the pilot.
机体以顺时针的方向保持自旋,并且朝右侧开始执行内侧水平8字飞行。在8字形 的中心点时,直升机是飞离操控者。

4. Repeat the above step, but this time start pirouetting counterclockwise.

Inverted Pirouetting Figure of Eight(机体倒飞自旋8字飞行)


1. With the helicopter inverted hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right. So at the center of the Eight, the helicopter is flying toward the pilot.
在降落区的上空将直升机保持倒飞停悬,机体以顺时针的方向保持自旋,并且朝右 侧开始执行外侧水平8字飞行。在8字形的中心点时,直升机是飞向操控者。

2. Repeat the above step, but this time start pirouetting counterclockwise.

3. Repeat step 1 above, but this time start the Figure of Eight by flying away from the pilot, pirouetting clockwise. So at the center of the Eight, the helicopter is flying away from the pilot.
机体以顺时针的方向保持自旋,并且朝右侧开始执行内侧水平8字飞行。在8字形 的中心点时,直升机是飞离操控者。

4. Repeat the above step, but this time start pirouetting counterclockwise.


第七级(Level VII)


第七级属于高级程度,使操控者有能力执行基础的自旋动作。第七级的本质是要能 成功地完成前六级的所有动作,以及增进对于新动作的操控及定位能力。在执行这 些高级的动作时,必须尽可能地注意操控者及观众的安全。

Pirouetting Inside Loop(机体自旋内觔斗)


1.  直升机由右向左飞行,机体开始自旋,当直升机通过操控者的正前方之时,机体 保持自旋并且执行一个内觔斗。安排副翼、升降舵及主旋翼螺距的打舵时机,使得 直升机的飞行轨迹形成一个圆圈。

2.  结束时机体保持自旋水平直线飞行。

3.  由左向右飞行,重复执行上述的步骤。


Pirouetting Roll(机体自旋侧滚)


1.  直升机由右向左飞行,机体开始自旋,在直升机未到达操控者的正前方时,机体 保持自旋并且执行外侧侧滚(飞离操控者)。当直升机到达操控者的正前方时,机 体刚好成为倒飞的姿态。安排副翼、升降舵及主旋翼螺距的打舵时机,使得直升机 能保持固定的高度、前进方向及速度。

2.  完成侧滚的动作后,机体保持自旋水平直线飞行。

3.  重复执行步骤1及2,但执行内侧侧滚(朝向操控者)。


Stationary Pirouetting Tumbles(机体自旋原地滚翻)


1.  直升机先保持停悬,机体开始自旋,机体保持自旋并且至少执行一个前滚翻。安 排副翼、升降舵及主旋翼螺距的打舵时机,使得直升机能保持在固定的高度。

2.  重复执行上述的步骤,但至少执行一个后滚翻。


Traveling Pirouetting Tumbles(机体自旋前进滚翻)


1.  直升机由右向左飞行,机体开始自旋,机体保持自旋并且至少执行一个前滚翻。安排副翼、升降舵及主旋翼螺距的打舵时机,使得直升机能保持固定的高度、前进 方向及速度。

2.  重复执行步骤1,但至少执行一个后滚翻。

3.  由左向右飞行,重复执行上述的步骤。


Pirouetting Outside Loop(机体自旋外觔斗)


1.  直升机由右向左飞行,机体开始自旋,当直升机通过操控者的正前方之时,机体 保持自旋并且执行一个外觔斗。安排副翼、升降舵及主旋翼螺距的打舵时机,使得 直升机的飞行轨迹形成一个圆圈。

2.  结束时机体保持自旋水平直线飞行。

3.  由左向右飞行,重复执行上述的步骤。


Pirouetting Autorotation(机体自旋熄火降落)


1.  机头保持与航道平行,且高度不得低于 20 公尺,朝操控者的右侧开始执行熄火 降落。在执行熄火降落的动作之前,机体不须保持自旋。

2.  执行熄火降落的过程中,机体至少需自旋3圈。

3.  保持平滑且稳定的下降速度,朝直径1公尺的圆形降落区降落。

4.  降落时脚架的某一部份需落在圆形的降落区内。

5.  重复执行上述的步骤,但由操控者的左侧开始执行熄火降落。注意:不限制执行 的次数,降落时只要脚架的某一部份落在圆形的降落区内即可。


Pirouetting Auger(机体自旋螺旋钻)


1.  先将直升机保持在任意的高度及方向,朝操控者的右侧开始执行螺旋钻的动作。 在执行螺旋钻的动作之前,机体不须保持自旋。

2.  要完成这项动作,至少机体的某一部份必须离地6英吋以内。

3.  注意:若降落区的泥土愈软则愈容易完成此动作。开玩笑的啦!您千万不要相信。

IRCHA 不鼓励执行此动作。


Straight Upright Flight(正立直线飞行)


1.  将直升机翻来滚去以后,有某些人会忘了如何正立水平直线飞行。本动作要求操 控者将直升机以正立飞行的方式,飞完一个油箱的燃油,至少需 10 分钟。

 drop collective and add forward cyclic.
先将直升机停悬在安全的高度,然後将副翼打左舵执行 1/4 侧滚,直到主旋翼回转 面成为垂直,机体必须保持水平,降低主旋翼的螺距成为0°,并且将升降舵打降 舵。

附件:ircha.pdf(294850 Byte)

附件:sc4.f3c.07.rev1.pdf(723236 Byte)