
首先下载BLHeli Suite -> https://www.mediafire.com/folder/dx6kfaasyo24l/BLHeliSuite

然后拿出Arduino UNO接上电脑,打开BLHeli的Make interfaces功能。

  1. 选择你的Arduino板的型号,这里我选Uno。
  2. 点击ArduinoISP Programmer开始制作Arduino版的电调编程器



最近在Ubuntu 16.04上实现了使用XRDP远程连接Unity桌面。这样的话使用Win自带的RemoteDesktop就可以连接Ubuntu的Unity了。


  1. 下载并安装TigerVNC
    安装:sudo dpkg -i tigervncserver_1.7.0_xxx.deb
    安装的时候可能会提示缺包,这时候用命令sudo apt-get install -f补全。
  2. 安装XRDP
    sudo apt-get install xrdp
  3. 配置XRDP
    单用户执行:echo unity>~/.xsession
    多用户执行:sudo sed -i.bak ‘/fi/a #xrdp multi-users \n unity \n’ /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh

OK!搞定!就这三步就可以实现XRDP连接Ubuntu Unity。怎样?简单吧?


  1. 鼠标指针丢失
  2. Indicator Panel丢失


2020-05-28 更新


sudo apt-get install xrdp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment mate-notification-daemon
sudo sed -i.bak '/fi/a #xrdp multiple users configuration \n mate-session \n' /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh
sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

大疆精灵3和大疆悟的图传都只有8个默认通道,有时候会因为受到外界干扰飞行的时候图传中断,是个很蛋疼的事情。可能有些模友还不知道,其实Phantom3的图传通道还是可以破解的,inspire 1理论上也可行,因为图传用的是同一套方案。

破解方法非常简单,安卓就是把附件里面的这个.DJI.configs文件释放到 \Android\data\dji.pilot\files


搞定以后打开DJI GO,就会发现图传已经可以选择32通道了。但是注意只能选手动指定通道,不能选择自动。




已经可以Ping通Google.com或者Google.com.hk了。但是怎么还是不能打开? 原来是跳回到http了。

要强制https的话,以Chrome为例。可以打开 chrome://net-internals/#hsts

在 Domain 栏里,输入 google.com或者google.com.hk,并勾选下面的两个复选框,点击 “Add” 按钮即可。

强制 Google 网页快照使用 HTTPS,输入 googleusercontent.com。

强制 Google APIs 使用 HTTPS,输入 googleapis.com。


当然如果你嫌这个操作比较繁琐的话,可以安装插件HTTPS Everywhere。


[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/issue
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
[root@localhost ~]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-042stab106.6 #1 SMP Mon Apr 20 14:48:47 MSK 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


# yum install python-setuptools && easy_install pip
# pip install shadowsocks


[root@localhost /]# touch /etc/shadowsocks.json
[root@localhost /]# vi /etc/shadowsocks.json
"local_address": "",

备注:加密方式官方默认使用aes-256-cfb,推荐使用rc4-md5,因为 RC4比AES速度快好几倍。继续阅读


netstat -lntu

as replied by @askmish will give you list of services running on your system on tcp and udp ports where

  • -l = only services which are listening on some port
  • -n = show port number, don’t try to resolve the service name
  • -t = tcp ports
  • -u = udp ports
  • -p = name of the program

You don’t need the ‘p’ parameter as you’re only interested in getting which ports are free and not which program is running on it.

This only shows which ports on your system are used up, though. This doesn’t tell you the status of your network e.g. if you’re behind NAT and you want some services to be accessible from outside. Or if the firewall is blocking the port for outside visitors. In that case, nmap comes to the rescue. WARNING: Use nmap only on networks which are under your control. Also, there are firewall rules which can block nmap pings, you’ll have to fiddle around with options to get correct results.

2016.09.27 更新
netstat -peanut 用这个参数更可以列出是哪个程序在占用哪个端口


netstat -ano 可以直接列出PID,然后到任务管理器里面可以根据PID查看是哪个程序。

Key/Symbol Explanation
Windows PC keyboards have a Windows key that looks like a four-pane window
Command Apple Mac computers have a command key.
Menu PC keyboards also have a Menu key that looks like an cursor pointing to a menu.
Esc Esc (Escape) key
F1 – F12 Information about the F1 through F12 keyboard keys.
F13 – F24 Information about the F13 through F24 keyboard keys.
Tab Tab key
Caps lock Caps lock key
Shift Shift key
Ctrl Ctrl (Control) key
Fn Fn (Function) key
Alt Alt (Alternate) key (PC Only; Mac users have Option key)
Spacebar Spacebar key
Arrows Up, Down, Left, Right Arrow keys
Back Space Back space (or Backspace) key
Delete Delete or Del key
Enter Enter key
Prt Scrn Print screen key
Scroll lock Scroll lock key
Pause Pause key
Break Break key
Insert Insert key
Home Home key
Page up Page up or pg up key
Page down Page down or pg dn key
End End key
Num Lock Num Lock key
~ Tilde
` Acute, Back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push
! Exclamation mark, Exclamation point, or Bang
@ Ampersat, Arobase, Asperand, At, or At symbol
# Octothorpe, Number, Pound, sharp, or Hash
£ Pounds Sterling or Pound symbol
$ Dollar sign or generic currency
¢ Cent sign
¥ Chinese/Japenese Yuan
§ Micro or Section
% Percent
° Degree
^ Caret or Circumflex
& Ampersand, Epershand, or And
* Asterisk and sometimes referred to as star.
( Open parenthesis
) Close parenthesis
Hyphen, Minus or Dash
_ Underscore
+ Plus
= Equal
{ Open Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket
} Close Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket
[ Open bracket
] Closed bracket
| Pipe, Or, or Vertical bar
\ Backslash or Reverse Solidus
/ Forward slash, Solidus, Virgule, or Whack
: Colon
; Semicolon
Quote, Quotation mark, or Inverted commas
Apostrophe or Single Quote
Less Than or Angle brackets
Greater Than or Angle brackets
, Comma
. Period, dot or Full Stop
? Question Mark

The ability to negotiate successfully in today’s turbulent business climate can make the difference between success and failure. With this in mind, Ed has reevaluated his list of top ten negotiation tips. Here are Ed Brodow’s Ten Tips for Successful Negotiating updated for the year 2016:

1. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Successful negotiators are assertive and challenge everything – they know that everything is negotiable. I call this negotiation consciousness. Negotiation consciousness is what makes the difference between negotiators and everybody else on the planet.

Being assertive means asking for what you want and refusing to take NO for an answer. Practice expressing your feelings without anxiety or anger. Let people know what you want in a non-threatening way. Practice ‘I’ statements. For example, instead of saying, “You shouldn’t do that,” try substituting, “I don’t feel comfortable when you do that.”

Note that there is a difference between being assertive and being aggressive. You are assertive when you take care of your own interests while maintaining respect for the interests of others. When you see to your own interests with a lack of regard for other people’s interests, you are aggressive. Being assertive is part of negotiation consciousness.

“Challenge” means not taking things at face value. It means thinking for yourself. You must be able to make up your own mind, as opposed to believing everything you are told. On a practical level, this means you have the right to question the asking price of that new car. It also means you have an obligation to question everything you read in the newspaper or hear on CNN. You cannot negotiate unless you are willing to challenge the validity of the opposing position.继续阅读




但是UEFI默认在VMWARE PLAYER里面是关闭的。这个时候就需要使用这个OpenSource的工具了:



打开这个Enable “efi” BIOS boot type,你就可以体验UEFI了。